NCERT Class 6 English Book Chapter 2 Answer | How the Dog Found Himself | English Medium |

A. Discuss these questions in pairs before you write the answers.

    1. Why did the dog feel the need for a master? (1, 2) 


    2. Who did he first choose as his master? Why did he leave that master? (3) 


    3. Who did he choose next? (5) 


    4. Why did he serve the Lion for a long time? (8)   


    5. Who did he finally choose as his master and why? (9, 10)


B. A summary of the story is given below. Fill in the blanks to complete it taking appropriate phrases from the box.

    a dog      stronger than anyone else      the strongest of all      a wolf     the bear      afraid of man              his own master      a lion

  This is the story of —–––––—————————–, who used to be ——————————————. He decided to find a master —–––––––———————. First he found ————————————, but the wolf



    was afraid of –––————––——————— . The dog thought that the bear was                            ————————————— . After some time the dog met ————————————— ,      who seemed the strongest. He stayed with the lion for a long time. One day he realised that the          lion was ———————––—————— . To this day, the dog remains man’s best friend


A. Each word in the box given below indicates a large number of… For example,‘a herd of cows’           refers to many cows. Complete each of the following phrases with a suitable word from the box

school      fleet      brood      bundle      bunch      pack      flock      herd

1. a —————––—— of ships                 5. a ———––———— of sticks 

2. a ——————––— of flowers             6. a ——––————— of sheep 

3. a ——————––— of chicks               7. a —––—————— of fish

4. a ———————–– of cattle                 8. a ––——————— of wolves


B. Make nouns from the words given below by adding –ness or – ity. (For some words we need to add just –ty, or –y.) 

    1. honest —————————                      7. creative ———————————–

    2. kind ——————————                     8. sincere ———————————–

    3. cruel ——————————                    9. cheerful ——————————

    4. calm ——————————                    10. bitter ———————————— 

    5. sad ———————————                   11. sensitive——————————- 

    6. active ——————————-                 12. great ————————————- 


C. Wordsearch

    • There are twelve words hidden in this table.

    • Six can be found horizontally and the remaining six vertically. 

    • All of them are describing words like ‘good’, ‘happy’, etc. 

    • The first letters of the words are given below:

       Horizontal: H R F F S G 

       Vertical: A W S F L Q



Here are some points from a similar story that you might have heard in another language. Dividing the class into two groups try and tell the story in English. One person from each group can speak alternately. Your teacher will help you. As you tell it, one of you may write it down on the board. 

                      A Mouse Maiden

l mouse changed into a girl by a magician…

l wants to marry the strongest person… 

l asks whether sun or cloud stronger (why?)… 

l but mountain stronger than clouds (how?)… 

l but mouse stronger than mountain (how?)… 

l girl asks to marry mouse, becomes a mouse again.




1. List out the action words in the poem. dive, dip, snaps, ——————, ——————, ———————, ——————, —————— 

Find out the meanings of these words.


2. Read these lines from the poem: 

    Then soars like a ship 

     With only a sail

     The movement of the tailless kite is compared to a ship with a sail. This is called a simile. Can           you suggest what or who the following actions may be compared to? 

     He runs like —————————————––——— 

     He eats like ——————————————–—–— 

     She sings like ————————————––——–— 

     It shines like ————————————–––——— 

     It flies like ——————————————––———–


3.   Try to make a kite with your friends. Collect the things required such as colour paper/newspaper, thread, glue, a thin stick that can be bent. After making the kite see if you can fly it.


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