NCERT Class 7 social science Chapter 4 Answer (our past) Book Lift in the Deserts English Medium |THE MUGHALS (16th TO 17th CENTURY)

Chapter 4


  1. Match the following:

mansab Marwar

Mongol Uzbeg

Sisodiya Rajput Mewar

Rathor Rajput rank

Nur Jahan Jahangir

  1. Fill in the blanks:

(a) The five Deccan Sultanates were Berar, Khandesh, Ahmadnagar, _ and ______.

(b) If zat determined a mansabdar’s rank and salary, sawar indicated his __ .

(c) Abul Fazl, Akbar’s friend and counsellor, helped him frame the idea of __ so that he could govern a society composed of many religions, cultures and castes.

  1. What were the central provinces under the control of the Mughals?
  2. What was the relationship between the mansabdar and the jagir?

Let’s understand

  1. What was the role of the zamindar in Mughal administration?
  2. How were the debates with religious scholars important in the formation of Akbar’s ideas on governance?
  3. Why did the Mughals emphasise their Timurid and not their Mongol descent?

Let’s discuss

  1. How important was the income from land revenue to the stability of the Mughal Empire?
  2. Why was it important for the Mughals to recruit mansabdars from diverse backgrounds and not just Turanis and Iranis?
  3. Like the Mughal Empire, India today is also made up of many social and cultural units. Does this pose a challenge to national integration?
  4. Peasants were vital for the economy of the Mughal Empire. Do you think that they are as important today? Has the gap in the income between the rich and the poor in India changed a great deal from the period of the Mughals?

Let’s do

  1. The Mughal Empire left its impact on the different regions of the subcontinent in a variety of ways. Find out if it had any impact in the city, village or region in which you live.

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